Telecom Consumers Charter

a) Name and address of the Service Provider:

Sharktel Infocom Private Limited

Registered Office:

55/4 S.B. Neogi Garden Lane,
Kolkata – 700036,
West Bengal

Corporate Office:

MJ Industrial Park,
NH6 Bombay Road, near Birla Petrol Pump,
Vill: Kulai, PO: Biki Hakola, PS: Panchla,
Howrah – 711322,
West Bengal

b) Services offered by the Service Provider, including the details of geographic areas where such services are available:
Services Offered:
Internet, Broadband
Geographic Area:

c) Terms and Conditions of service offered by the Service Provider:

As contained in Customer Application Form (CAF)

d) Quality of Service parameters specified by the Authority in respect of each of the services:

Sl No. QoS Parameters Benchmarks Averaged over a period of
i. Service Provisioning /Activation Time 100% cases in =<15 working days (subject to technical feasibility). In all cases where payment towards installation charge & security deposit is taken and the Broadband connection is not provided within 15 working days, a credit at the rate of Rs.10/ per day, subject to a maximum of installation charge or equivalent usage allowance shall be given to the customer, at the time of issue of first bill.
ii. Fault Repair / Restoration Time By next working day: > 90% and within 3 working days: 99%
(a) Faults Pending for > 3 working days and < 7 working days: rebate equivalent to 7 days of minimum monthly charge or equivalent usage allowance
(b) Faults Pending for > 7 working days and < 15 working days: rebate equivalent to 15 days of minimum monthly charge or equivalent usage allowance
(c) Faults Pending for > 15 working days: rebate equivalent to one month of minimum monthly charge or equivalent usage allowance
One month
Billing Performance
Billing complaints per 100 bills issued
%age of Billing Complaints resolved
Time taken for refund of deposits after closure:
100% within 4 weeks
100% within 60 days
One month
iv. Response time to the customer for assistance % age of calls answered by operator (Voice to Voice)
Within 60 seconds > 60%
Within 90 seconds > 80%
One month
Bandwidth Utilization/ Throughput:
a) Bandwidth Utilization
i) POP to ISP Gateway Node [Intra-network] Link(s)
ii) ISP Gateway Node to IGSP / NIXI Node upstream Link(s) for International connectivity
b) Broadband Connection Speed (download)
<80% link(s)/route bandwidth utilization during peak hours (TCBH). If on any link(s)/route bandwidth utilization exceeds 90%, then network is considered to have congestion. For this additional provisioning of Bandwidth on immediate basis, but not later than one month, is mandated.
Subscribed Broadband Connection Speed to be met >80% from ISP Node to User.
One month
vi. Service Availability / Uptime (for all users) > 90% quarter ending June 2007;
> 98% with effect from quarter ending September 2007 and onwards
One Quarter
vii. Packet Loss (for wired broadband access) < 1% One month
Network Latency (for wired broadband access)
User reference point at POP / ISP Gateway Node to International Gateway (IGSP/NIXI)
User reference point at ISP Gateway Node to International nearest NAP port abroad (Terrestrial)
User reference point at ISP Gateway Node to International nearest NAP port abroad (Satellite)
<120 msec
<350 msec
<800 msec
One month

e) Quality of Service promised by the service provider in respect of each service and geographic area:
As mentioned in clause (d).

f) Details about equipment offered to the consumer by the Service Provider in respect of any of the services:

Equipment means any and all devices supplied by the Sharktel Infocom Private Limited that are used to deliver the Services, including but not limited to all terminal and other equipment, wires, fibre optic cables, lines, circuits, ports, routers, switches, cabinets, racks, private rooms and the like. Equipment shall not include any such devices sold to Customer by the Service Provider or owned by the Customer.

g) Right of consumers under the different regulations, orders and directions issued by the Authority; and in particular those relating to Tariff, Mobile Number Portability, Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulations, 2010 (TCCCPR) and Value Added Services (VAS):

  1. Customer has right to receive Quality of Service in accordance with parameters specified by TRAI in its Quality of Service Regulation 2006.
  2. Customer has right to lodge a complaint with the complaint centre and get the resolution of the complaint within time as specified by TRAI in its Telecom Consumer Complaint Redressal Regulation 2012.
  3. Customer has right to file an appeal to the Appellate Authority.
  4. Customer has right to get information regarding tariff before provision of service and every time the tariff is changed, especially adversely affecting the customer.
  5. Customer has right to terminate the services as per Clause (m). Notice period and reconciliation shall be as per the agreement.

h) The duties and obligations of the service provider under the different regulations, orders and directions issued by the Authority; and in particular those relating to Tariff, Mobile Number Portability, TCCCPR, and VAS:

  1. To offer services in accordance with the ISP License issued by Department of Telecommunication and applicable regulations prescribed by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India.
  2. A tariff plan once offered shall be available to a subscriber for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of enrolment of the subscriber to that tariff plan. The subscriber shall be free to choose any other tariff plan, even during the said six months’ period. All requests for change of plan shall be accepted and implemented immediately or from the next billing cycle.
  3. To provide services in adherence to the quality of service parameters prescribed by TRAI in its Quality of Service Regulation 2006.
  4. To establish complaint centre and resolve the customer’s complaint as specified by TRAI in its Telecom Consumer Redressal Regulation 2012.

i) General Information Number:

j) Consumer Care Number:
Toll Free Number: 1800 000 0000
Enterprise Customer :
Home Customer :

k) Complaint redressal mechanism, including complaint redressal procedure and the time limits for redressal of complaints:
The complaints of our customers are resolved by our Complaint Centre at the below contact:

Customer Care Number : 1800 000 0000

Enterprise Customer :
Retail Customer :
Post/Courier : Sharktel Infocom Private Limited – MJ Industrial Park, NH6 Bombay Road, near Birla Petrol Pump, Vill: Kulai, PO: Biki Hakola, PS: Panchla, Howrah – 711322, West Bengal.

  • On receipt of a complaint from a customer, complaint centre register the complaint and allot a complaint number to the customer.
  • If a customer is not satisfied with the redressal of his complaint by the Complaint Centre, or his complaint remains unaddressed or no intimation of redressal of the complaint is received within the period of three (3) days, such customer may prefer an appeal to the Appellate Authority for redressal of his complaint.

l) E-mail, contact address, telephone number and facsimile number of the Appellate Authority and time limits for disposal of appeals:

Appellate Authority : Mr. Srijit Banerjee
Email :
Address : MJ Industrial Park, NH6 Bombay Road, near Birla Petrol Pump, Vill: Kulai, PO: Biki Hakola, PS: Panchla, Howrah – 711322, West Bengal.

  • Appeal has to be filed within 3 months after the expiry of Expected Time for Resolution (ETR).
  • Customer will need to provide complaint number provided by Complaint Centre.
  • Appeal will be disposed of in accordance with the time limit given in the Telecom Consumers Complaint Redressal Regulations 2012.
  • Confirmation will be sent through e-mail/post after disposing the appeal.

m) Procedure for termination or disconnection of each service offered by the service provider:

  1. The customer can request for disconnection via email at for Home customers and at for Business customers.
  2. Business customers need to send request through registered email id or through authorised person.
  3. Home customers can also give disconnection request on call by calling customer service at 1800 000 0000.
  4. Deactivation request is acknowledged and Request number is shared with the customer on receiving the request.